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AgriTourism Insurance & Agritainment Insurance

AgriTourism Insurance & Agritainment Insurance including Bed & Breakfast

By: Allen Financial Insurance Group & The Equestrian Group

Contact usfor a no obligation Agribusiness Insurance quote today!

There’s no other occupation that’s perhaps more fulfilling than agriculture. Unfortunately, there’s probably no other occupation that involves as much risk. The AFIG Agribusiness & Recreation division provides comprehensive insurance programs designed with farmowners’ and ranchowners’ insurance needs in mind. Farming and ranching operations have a unique combination of “personal” and “business” loss potential. Our AgriBusiness policies offers specialized program coverage for property, liability, inland marine and auto coverage.

We proudly represent and underwrite for national preferred A+ rated insurance companies such as American Reliable Insurance Company, Capitol Insurance , Chubb and Fireman’s Fund. As a national MGU we can write policies to combine coverage for dwelling, farm personal property, barns and outbuildings, mobile equipment, business interruption and recreational liability exposures. Numerous options are available to extend coverage for unique situations such as bed & Breakfast and wedding venues. Farm auto, transportation, watercraft, livestock and umbrella coverage may be written in conjunction with these policy.

For those with less extensive farm exposures, individual policies are offered on an individual basis to address specific needs. These products include coverage for buildings, farm personal property, liability and auto coverage

4 Horses Agribusiness Agri-Tourism Policy

No two farms are exactly alike and our agribusiness programs reflect this reality.
From the largest farms and ranches to the most casual of agriculture involvement we offer custom programs to meet specific your insurance needs.

The attractiveness of agritourism continues to grow as more consumers turn to local farmers and ranchers for fresh, organic or naturally grown products, as well as recreation and entertainment.

The terms “agritourism” and “agritainment” encompass a spectrum of activities, ranging from on-farm stores to wedding venues. Bed & Breakfast, Pony Rides & Petting zoos, hayrides and summer festivals are other examples of attractions that bring increasing numbers of urban dwellers onto farms for leisure, education and entertainment.

Bucking Agribusiness Agri-Tourism Policy

Preferred Markets:

bulletEquestrian Centers
bulletHorse Shows & Special Events
bulletRiding Instruction & Clinics
bulletPolo Clubs
bulletEquine Mortality / Major Medical
bulletRiding Clubs
bulletTeam Roping
bulletBarrel Racing
bulletEquine Assisted Therapy & Learning
bulletVineyards & Wineries
bulletVeterinary & Animal Services

Specialty Markets :

bulletPony Rides & Petting Zoo
bulletWedding & Recreation Venues
bulletWagon, Carriage & Sleigh Rides
bulletDude Ranches
bulletHorse Therapy & Animal Services
bulletRodeo Events & Stock Contractors
bulletOutfitters & Guided Trail Rides
bulletBed & Breakfast
bulletHorse Shows

EQGroup Banner 3
Trail rides Agribusiness Agri-Tourism Policy
Polo Agribusiness Agri-Tourism Policy

Agribusiness Insurance

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy - EAP - Assisted Psychotherapy - Psychotherapy - Equine Assisted

Contact us by phone (800) 874-9191, FAX (602) 992-8327
or email below for more AgriTourism Insurance information.

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy - EAP - Assisted Psychotherapy - Psychotherapy - Equine Assisted

Equine Assisted Psychotherapy - EAP - Assisted Psychotherapy - Psychotherapy - Equine Assisted