Bed & Breakfast Insurance - B&B Insurance
AFIG's Bed & Breakfast Insurance - B&B Insurance coverage offers unique coverage designed for those that use their property for business.
Contact usfor a no obligation Bed & Breakfast Insurance quote today!
We'll help protect your bed & breakfast business!
Bed and Breakfast businesses offer rest and relaxation for guests in intimate surroundings that make them feel right at home, offering guests services, and possibly recreation activities. Along with those custom services, B&B’s require an insurance program customized to meet their unique requirements.
The Bed & Breakfast Insurance Portfolio offers the industry's broadest and most comprehensive coverage available to the high value owner at a competitive preferred price.
Lets face it. It's a tough economy and you need every advantage to succeed. That's especially true when it comes to choosing your Bed & Breakfast insurance policy or your Innkeeper insurance policy. It's also important that your business be protected by a policy specifically designed for your unique operations.
The Bed and Breakfast Insurance Portfolio Policy is exactly that. An A rated, national program created to meet the unique needs of the B&B industry. Our comprehensive insurance plan gives you the ability to buy broad property and liability coverage at Ultra Preferred rates. The B&B Portfolio Insurance Policy should save you 15% or 20% over your current policy. Our promise is to deliver better service and more coverage for the insurance dollar than any competitor.
Allen Financial Insurance knows your business needs. We have over forty years of experience in business and specialty liability insurance.
Will your homeowners' policy protect you? The answer is "No."
You might be tempted to buy a homeowners' policy to protect your B&B or inn, especially if it has only a few rooms and also happens to be your home.
However, a homeowners’ policy generally won’t protect you if:
- A guest falls down your stairs, breaks an ankle, and sues you for negligence.
- Your business property is damaged.
- You lose income because you have to close your inn for three weeks to make repairs.
- Wedding guests become ill after eating food you prepared.
A Bed & Breakfast Insurance Policy would however protect you from the above!

The Bed & Breakfast Insurance Portfolio offers the industry's broadest and most comprehensive coverage available to the high value owner at a competitive preferred price.
With a high degree of flexibility, the Bed and Breakfast Insurance Policy allows you to coordinate the coverage you need within a single insurance program that’s easy to manage and uniquely suited to your lifestyle. One package policy and one bill can often satisfy your need for home, auto, valuable collections and umbrella liability insurance.
Risk Management
B&B Program Highlights
Setting Higher Standards
If you appreciate superior coverage in your insurance policy, you’ll appreciate the higher standards for our B&B coverage and service in the Bed and Breakfast Insurance Program.
Policy Benefits
The B&B Insurance Portfolio recognizes that Bed & Breakfast homes have unique features and high quality furnishings that require special treatment not found in standard industry policies. To ensure the proper level of protection, our B&B policy includes many benefits.
Full Replacement Cost Coverage
We promise to pay the full cost of having your home and other structures on your property rebuilt after a covered total loss, even if the amount exceeds the limit in your policy
Replacement cost for Personal Property
We do not apply depreciation to furniture, clothing, and your other possessions. Buy new replacements of similar type and quality, and we will reimburse you
Boiler & Machinery
Business Interruption & Extra Expense
Equipment Breakdown
General Liability including Personal Liability
This program begins with a broad array of liability coverage vital to the operation of your business. In addition to being covered against liability risks specifically associated with your B&B business you are also covered in such areas as product liability, property damage liability and ancillary services. Coverage can also be extended to additional good and services offered in conjunction with your operations.
Innkeeper's Liability
Most states require that lodgings exercise reasonable care to protect guests and tenants from reasonably foreseeable crime risks. We include coverage for the safekeeping of your guest's personal property.
Additional Coverage Options
Policy Options
Automobile Insurance
Beauty Salon & Spa Services
Boat & Marina Coverage
We offer liability limits from the state minimum levels up to $500,000 and beyond. Bargain policies may not be able to offer adequate limits for high net worth customers, who make lucrative targets for liability lawsuits.
Commercial Kitchen & Catering
Employee Benefits Liability
Equine Coverage
If you offer equestrian services to your guests you can add coverage with our Equestrian Group stable endorsement.
Hunting, Shooting & Fishing Services
Liquor Legal Liability
Outfitter & Guide Services
Comprehensive Personal Liability
Personal liability for the B&B operators if occupied as as personal residence.
Special Events Coverage
Workmen's Compensation
Excess Liability
Coordinate the insurance coverage you need that meets your own unique challenges of the Bed and Breakfast / Inn business owner. Every owner is different.

Valuable Collections Insurance
Exceptional Coverage for Exceptional Items
While our home policy includes coverage for your valuables, many people choose to insure their most precious possessions with the added protection of a valuables policy, which offers broader coverage on a worldwide basis
No deductible. If you lose an engagement ring or break a precious antique, the loss is covered from the first dollar.
Agreed value coverage. We settle covered losses at least at the scheduled amount of the item.
Single item or blanket coverage. You have the option to schedule individual items or choose blanket coverage for groups of valuables such as a jewelry, crystal, or art collections.
“All risk” coverage. Your valuable possessions will be protected against loss due to flooding, which is excluded in a homeowner policy.
Worldwide coverage. Don’t worry about taking your precious jewelry or professional-grade camera abroad.
Umbrella Liability Insurance
As your wealth increases, so does your attractiveness as a target for lawsuits. Settlements for serious injury or property damage can exceed the liability limits of your home or auto policies. You could lose your home, property, savings and investments - even your future income. Umbrella coverage offers critical protection in these cases. It offers the following benefits:
High limit availability. You can acquire from $1 million up to $10 million of additional liability protection for bodily and personal injury.
Fills coverage gaps. Our umbrella policy will pay from the first dollar of loss if a coverage gap exists in the home or auto policy.
Legal defense. Once the resources of your underlying coverage are exhausted, we will coordinate and pay for your legal defense without reducing your liability limit.
Private consultation. We provide coverage for the cost of having your lawyer monitor our legal defense efforts.
Reputation defense. We provide coverage for the cost of having a public relations firm protect your reputation.
Court costs. In addition to the settlement to an insured party, you will be covered for potentially substantial court costs and fees associated with the defense of your case.
What to Expect from Your Bed & Breakfast Policy
- Availability in All States
- No Liability Deductible
- Low Premium
- Low Deductible
- Best Rates and Coverage
- Professional Customer Service
- Fast Set-up
- Hassle-Free Interaction
Whether you run a cozy bed & breakfast in New Hampshire, or a country inn in Santa Barbara, we can offer you the best bed and breakfast insurance coverage to fit your needs.
How much are you at risk of being sued? Complete ourPersonal Liability Scorecardto find out.
While everyone is at risk for being the target of a personal liability lawsuit, some people are more at risk than others, especially if they have substantial assets.