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Security Guard Liability Insurance – Security Service Insurance

Security Guard Insurance – Security Service Insurance Liability
By: Allen Financial Insurance Group

Contact usfor a no obligation security guard insurance quote today!

Security Guard Liability Insurance

Security Guards are critical to the safety and security of businesses and government institutions across the country as well as to the public. Their work in patrolling and inspecting property to protect people and their belongings from fire, theft, vandalism, or other harmful activities is a noble yet dangerous cause. Even the most mundane task, inspection or patrol has the capacity to turn dangerous and potentially even deadly at a moment’s notice. Because of this, it is extremely important for security employers to have the peace of mind by ensuring they are safe and protected by the best security guard insurance coverage available.

In today’s highly competitive business environment you need every advantage to succeed. That’s especially true when it comes to selecting your security business insurance.

Allen Financial Insurance Group specializes in the Security Guard – Security Service Industry. We understand how to provide a flexible and comprehensive insurance program for risks all across the United States.

Our Security First comprehensive commercial liability policy offers coverage beyond the industry standard. We have enhanced this program specifically for your security service business. At no additional cost to you, our Security First Liability policy includes Professional Liability and unique additional coverage essential to those in your industry.

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We are the Security Guard Insurance Experts.

If you are a security guard working in the United States, you are one of over a million people protecting buildings, organizations, and people. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the number of contracted security personnel is rising, and the number of independent security guards is also increasing as individuals provide security services to their communities.

When it comes to insurance, security guards are in a unique situation. Some security personnel may have insurance that is provided to them by their employers, while others may have to seek insurance that fully protects them in their line of work. Security guards face risks that others in the workforce do not; the very nature of their jobs puts them in dangerous situations, which could impact their insurance rates.

Plans tailored to your individual needs, with the bottom line in mind.

We know how easily security guards can be faced with a dangerous situation that can potentially cause their own lives to be at risk, but we also know how easily they can make split-second decisions while undertaking even the most mundane task that can result in costly mistakes that have the potential to put the entire company at risk. Our decades of experience in this industry has made us experts at evaluating all possibilities and potentialities to help you find the very best coverage to ensure both you and your employees are protected on all sides.

Comprehensive Coverage for:

  • Security & Patrol Agencies
  • Detective Agencies
  • Alarm & Alarm Systems Monitoring
  • Armed Guard Service
  • Security Instruction / Training
  • Security Consultants
  • Office & Manufacturing Security
  • Construction Sites
  • Hotel / Motel Security
  • Interior Mall Patrol
  • Residential Patrol
  • Parking Lot Patrol
  • Vocational / Trade Schools

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Liability Coverage Available:

  • Professional Liability included at policy limits
  • Assault & Battery
  • Abuse & Molestation
  • Blanket Additional Insureds
  • Care Custody & Control
  • EPLI
  • Erroneous Service of Process
  • False Arrest
  • Personal & Advertising Injury
  • Firearms Coverage Available

Standard Security Limits:

Per Occurrence $100,000- 10,000,000
General Aggregate$100,000- 10,000,000
Aggregate Products / Completed Operations$100,000- 10,000,000
Personal / Advertising Injury$100,000- 10,000,000
Medical Payments$5,000
Fire Legal Liability$100,000


Airports, Armored Car Operations, Money Couriers, Body Guards, Escort Services, Bomb Searches, Governmental Facilities, Military Bases, Nightclub & Adult Entertainment Venues, Tavern Bouncers, Sea Ports, SWAT, Tactical Units/Squads, Utilities, Security Training for Governmental Agencies, Professional Wrestling or MMA Events.

Policy & Coverage Highlights

Checkmark1 National A rated, Admitted Company

Checkmark1 Preferred Rates – Immediate Quotes

Checkmark1 Professional Liability Included

Checkmark1 24 / 7 Claims Service

Checkmark1 Immediate Certificates of Insurance

Checkmark1 Immediate Certificates of Insurance

Security Guard Liability Insurance – Security Service Insurance
Information Form

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Contact us by phone (800) 874-9191, FAX (602) 992-8327
or email below for more Security Guard Liability Insurance – Security Service Insurance information.

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