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Horse Insurance – Equine Insurance
& The Equestrian Group

Horse Insurance & Equine Insurance Programs
By: Allen Financial Insurance Group

Contact usfor a no obligation equine insurance quote today!

Understanding Horse Insurance

Whether a horse is purchased for personal or business reasons, ownership represents a significant investment of time, money and resources. While no one likes to think about the potential for tragedy, horses seem to be prone to illness, accidents and injury.Should some peril befall your horse, nothing may ease the emotional burden, but wise planning can help reduce the economic impacts.

Owning a horse can be an expensive proposition, especially if you aren’t financially prepared. A horse that becomes seriously ill can cost you a fortune in vet bills. Should the worst happen and your horse doesn’t make it, you will not only be emotionally devastated, but you will lose your financial investment as well. If your horse is stolen and not recovered, you’ll be without a horse and without the funds to buy another.

One way to help protect your horse and your pocketbook is to purchase equine insurance. The right plan will help diffuse costs if your horse becomes sick and will reimburse you for his/her value if your horse passes away or is stolen.

The better you understand the ins and outs of equine insurance, the better you can protect your horse and yourself.

The Equestrian Group

The Equestrian Group stands for innovation and quality in the horse insurance community. In fact, we invented many of the equine policy forms and endorsements now considered standard coverage for the horse industry today.

We are one of the country’s largest providers of coverage for show, and pleasure horses, horse farms, rodeos, and equestrian professionals, clubs and shows.Thanks to over forty years of underwriting experience, The Equestrian Group has developed these affordable high quality insurance programs for your protection.

As leaders in the field of horse insurance/equestrian insurance, we provide expertise and access to insurance risk management products to horse owners all around the county. This guarantees our clients the highest quality insurance products at the most competitive premiums.

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The Equestrian Group Policy & Program Links

Do I need Equine Insurance?

How much can you afford to lose? Insuring your horse is not only protecting your investment when you purchased the horse, it is also protecting your finances if there is an accident, sickness or disease that needs treated.

And what kind of losses might an owner sustain? The list includes replacing a horse which dies surgical and major medical expenses for the horse and liability costs should the horse cause injury or destruction to other parties. It’s not a cut-and-dried formula based on dollars and cents but an individual assessment based on dollars and sense.

The cost of insurance is minimal when compared to the overall costs of maintaining your horses, paying for colic surgery, or paying a lawsuit.

Equine Insurance Programs

Horse Insurance :

We know horses, and horse insurance. It’s our goal to provide you with insurance to protect all of your equestrian investments–your horse and business.

Trust the company horse owners count on for being responsive and responsible with their horse on the road with all of your equine insurance needs. AFIG’s Horse Insurance and Equine Insurance suite of products are tailored to fit the needs of professionals and amateurs. Your horse is a trusted partner considered a member of your family.

Your horse is also a valuable investment that you need to protect. Within their environment or as a part of their use, you know equine are susceptible to many perils. You can be prepared to handle these risks by protecting your horse with equine a horse insurance or equine insurance policy from AFIG. Our no-hassle insurance products provide you with overall peace of mind to insure your equestrian lifestyle.

Horse Mortality/Major Medical

This insurance policy protects the owner/lessor against the loss of a horse as a result of a covered accident, injury, illness or disease, while also providing coverage for theft of the horse.

We designed this vital coverage to insure your horse against death from almost any cause. Themortality policyincludes humane destruction made necessary by an illness or accidental injury. Our policy is unique in the industry as the basic form includes coverage for theft and colic surgery atno additional cost.Mortality Acrobat Applicationor get anOn-Line Mortality Quotation

Whether you are looking to protect your financial investment or making sure your horse receives the best care in the world, in the event he/she becomes ill or injuredHorse Mortality Insurance& Major Medical Insurance is one of the most cost effective ways to achieve both.

Farrier Insurance :

A farrier is a specialist in equine hoof care, including the trimming and balancing of horses’ hooves and the placing of shoes on their hooves, if necessary. A farrier combines some blacksmith’s skills with some veterinarian’s skills to care for horses’ feet. The AFIG Farrier Insurance Program and Ferrier Liability Insurance program is designed to respond to the specific needs of a professional farrier.

Legal cases and lawsuits are more prevalent as technology, and information increases to identify the cause of laminitis,lameness, improper hoof angles and/or using pads improperly, more horse owners are likely to point the finger at the farrier when things go wrong.

Equestrian Special Event Insurance for Rodeos, Bull Riding, Trail Rides and more…

We provide special equine insurance solutions for rodeos, horse shows, livestock shows, ropings, pennings, barrel racings, horse expositions and clinics as well as many other equine and rodeo-type events. AFIG provides insurance solutions for the unique needs of the rodeo, equine and livestock industries. Our clients include major rodeo sanctioning organizations, rodeos and livestock shows, rodeo stock contractors, and horse expositions throughout the United States.
Get More Details here:Horse Show Insurance

Equine Assisted Therapy

Equine Assisted Therapy is an evolving field in which horses are used as a tool for both physical therapy and emotional growth and learning. Many riders experience a connection to the horse that few sports or activities can create.

For those riders who cannot walk, the horse is their vehicle of transport. Not only does this help raise their self-esteem but it also teaches them essential skills. It improves balance, creates trust and creates a friendship between rider and horse.

The benefits of horseback riding are as numerous as the types of disabilities and conditions served. Research shows that students who participate in therapeutic riding can experience physical, emotional and mental rewards.

Personal Horse Owners Insurance

Affordable Horse Insurance with a level of protection you can’t afford to be without… Did you know that if you trailer or even simply ride a horse belonging to another person and an accident occurs, you could be held personally liable? Equine Liability Insurance is a necessity for horse owners, not a luxury. Even if your personal horse gets loose from a boarding stable and is hit by a motor vehicle, the cost of liability can be devastating.

Horse Owners are faced with unique liability exposures that may not be adequately covered under normal personal liability policies such as a homeowner policy.

The Equestrian Group has specifically designed an insurance policy to cover the horse owner’s legal liability for both bodily injury and property damage to others resulting from horse ownership.

Riding Club Liability

A riding club or association can be defined as any group that is formed to pursue common equestrian related interests. Riding clubs and associations form the core of most organized equestrian activity in the United States and Canada.

For as little as $400 per year our $1,000,000 riding club policy covers all club members if a law suit arises from a club activity. Coverage is provided for all club activities on owned or leased premises and products/completed operations and personal advertising injury can be included. Boarding, riding instruction, clinics and special events can be added by endorsement.

A farm package can also be written for clubs which own property. The basic policy premiumincludes the first 100 members and seven public events. Shows, clinics, gymkhanas and trail rides held by and for the sole benefit of members are automatically covered at no additional charge. Riding Club Application

Care Custody & Control – Equine Bailee Coverage

Care, Custody and Control (CCC) Insurance Coverage is to protect you in the event you or an employee of your operation is found legally liable for the death, injury, or theft of a horse that is in your Care, Custody, or Control.

This insurance is essential for equestrian business who board or train horses or who are responsible for other people’s horses while showing or racing them. The policy pays all sums you are legally obligated to pay others for damage to horses in your care, custody or control.

This coverage does not apply to horses you own or lease, which typically are covered by a mortality policy. Almost all general liability policiesexcludecoverage for injury or death to any animal in your care, custody or control.

Farm, Ranch, & Estate Insurance

Your horse facility is your passion. Many work a lifetime to own the farm or ranch of their dreams. When you own a horse farm or ranch, nothing is as important as protecting it from potential liability. Even if you do not plan to board horses for outside owners, give riding lessons or run a business, just by having your own horses on your own property, Horse Farm and Ranch Liability Insurance is an absolute necessity.

The Equestrian Group Farm & Ranch package is custom designed to meet the insurance needs of today’s horse farm owner. The farm policy offers both flexibility and broad protection at a competitive price. Whether you operate your horse farm as an individual, partnership, or a corporation we can tailor make the necessary insurance protection.

  • Property insurance to cover your home and contents, barns, sheds, owned machinery, equipment, tack, and livestock.
  • Liability insurance to cover your home and your horse operation, on and off premises, including such operations as: Boarding, Breeding, Racing, Training, Horse Shows and Riding Instruction.
  • Automobile coverage for personal, farm and commercial vehicles in one policy.

A Special Thanks To Our Horse Insurance Partners & Affiliates

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Horse Insurance - Equine Insurance

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Horse Insurance - Equine Insurance