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Tattoo Release Forms – Body Piercing Forms

Tattoo Release Form by Allen Financial Insurance Group

Body Piercing Forms
Tattoo and Body Piercing Forms

Tattoo Release Forms & Permanent Cosmetic Forms

Be advised that the consent forms attached are samples for the informational benefit of our customers. We encourage that these be reviewed by your legal counsel. In no event will Allen Financial Insurance and The Equestrian Group or employees be liable to any party for any consequential damages resulting from reliance on the consent forms within, including , without limitation, loss profits, damage or expense incurred by any use the reader may choose to make of these consent forms. Said consequential damages include direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages.
Things You Should Know:
Why Do I Need Professional Insurance?
The business general liability, commonly referred to as CGL, provides comprehensive coverage for operational exposures such as your premises, sub-contractors and products liability. The CGL policy does not cover your professional liability for mistakes inherent in the practice of your profession. This exclusion applies not only to bodily injury and property damage but also to pure economic loss. The Professional Liability policy protects you against negligent acts, errors or omissions during the course of providing your professional services.
What Does The Business General Liability Policy Cover?
This policy was specifically designed to protect your business anywhere in the United States, it’s territories or Canada. The general liability policy will pay the damages imposed upon you or your business by the law. It also pays the cost of defending you when a claim is made against your policy. Coverage is written on a full occurrence basis by an Admitted, A rated US insurance company and is tailored to fit your specific event needs. The policy can also add your landlord, sponsors, volunteers and independent contractors as additional insured’s.
Certificate of Insurance vs Additional Insured Endorsement

When renting a premises or attending a special event you will often be asked to provide a certificate of insurance to verify the existence of insurance coverage under specific conditions. More specifically, the document lists the effective date of the policy, the type of insurance coverage purchased, and the types and dollar amount of applicable liability.

Frequently, another party such as the venue or a sponsor will ask to be named as an additional insured on your policy. The additional insured then enjoys the benefits of being insured under your policy your for negligent acts and omissions but not for his own negligence.

What is Waiver of Subrogation?
Very often, a contract or lease agreement will require one or both parties to waive their rights of subrogation. Subrogation means one party has the right to “step into the shoes” of another party for the purposes of bringing a claim for damages. Suppose you experience a financial loss due to the negligence of a third party. Normally you could sue the responsible party for full restitution but if your insurance company pays the claim your insurer is then subrogated to your claim against the negligent party. In essence, your insurance company has been given your rights of recovery after paying your claim. Before you sign a contract containing a waiver of subrogation, check with your insurance agent to be sure you are not violating any of the terms of your insurance policy. If your policy will not permit a waiver, you may be in danger of losing your insurance coverage, leaving you without policy proceeds or a cause of action against the other party. If the insurance company does permit a waiver of subrogation, it may be necessary to obtain an endorsement to the policy and, in some cases, pay an additional premium.
What is Third Party Property Damage Liability (Care, Custody, Control Liability)
Most liability policies have provisions that exclude coverage for physical damage or loss to property while it is in the care, custody or control of the insured. Care, Custody, Control Liability (also known as Third Party Property Damage) is an optional coverage that will pay for direct physical damage the the

Tattoo Release Forms – Body Piercing Forms
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